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When You’re Dealing With Darkness Head Back Towards The Light.

In the Dark image
When Dealing With Darkness Head Back Towards The Light

In shadows deep where whispers dwell, I tread a path where secrets swell, A mind so sharp, a heart so cold, A master’s touch, deceit unfolds.

His eyes, a mask of gentle grace, Conceal the lies that lace his face, A puppet’s string in every glance, I dance to rhythms of his trance.

With words like honey, sweet and sly, He weaves a web where truths must die, Intelligence, a double-edged knife, Cuts through the fabric of my life.

His touch, a phantom’s chilling grip, A poison coursing sip by sip, In mirrored halls, I lose my way, Each step a gamble, night or day.

But in this labyrinth of dread, A spark of hope, a thread of red, I find within a voice, a spark, To shield my heart from shadows dark.

I gather strength from fractured light, To stand my ground, to fight, to fight, Against the tides of his control, To reclaim fragments of my soul.

No longer will I bend and break, For now my spirit starts to wake, With every breath, a silent vow, To save what’s left, to heal, somehow.

For in the dawn, a future gleams, Beyond his reach, beyond his schemes, I rise anew, a phoenix bright, From ashes dark, into the light.

By Scott Randy Gerber, Whispers Of The Soul © All Rights Reserved 2024

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