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The Ticking Clock

In this realm of fleeting time, we arrive alone,

Emerging from darkness, towards the light we’re drawn.

We flourish, leaving our imprints, making our mark,

Fortunate if we touch a soul, igniting a spark.

We strive to make a difference, near and far,

Leaving behind memories, shining like a star.

With every precious moment, as the clock ticks away,

We endeavor to do right, with each new day.

Yet, in the shadows, some reside, devoid of light,

Exploiting the weak, driven by their wicked might.

They cheat and steal, believing they’re on top,

Manipulating their path, their conscience they drop.

But their deception is short-lived, their clock’s chime,

When darkness claims them, it’s the final time.

They’ll hear the tally, the sum of their deeds,

Realizing their pursuits were in vain, indeed.

For what they fail to grasp, in their relentless quest,

Is that their earthly treasures won’t pass the final test.

As they journey into darkness, their riches left behind,

Only the lives they touched will remain, intertwined.

Before our time concludes, we have a choice to make,

To uplift others or cause hearts to break.

When our name is whispered, in that final call,

Will it be for our generosity or our greed, standing tall?

In this world’s chaos and the battle of right and wrong,

We’re being observed, our actions sung in song.

Judgment awaits, as our days are numbered true,

While others chase illusions, like savages they pursue.

But let me make it clear, no gold shall we take,

For it remains buried, our earthly desires forsake.

We enter the light empty-handed, as we depart,

Leaving behind lives, love, and our beating heart.

So let your deeds be kind, your actions just,

For the final price is heavy, in darkness we’ll trust.

No gold can accompany us to eternity’s domain,

Only the weight of our choices, in darkness we’ll remain.

So strive for what’s right, before the end draws near,

Embrace the light, let compassion steer.

For no ounce of gold will grace our final flight,

In the darkness, it stays buried, out of sight.

Choose wisely, do good, for the tax is steep,

In eternal darkness, the burden will seep.

No bright skies or light shall we ever see,

Only the consequence of our actions, for eternity.

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