In the quiet dawn, by a still blue lake, A little pebble rests, its fate to make. With a gentle toss from a child’s hand, It skips across the water, to a far-off land.
One tiny stone, in an endless expanse, Dances on waves, in a timeless dance. Each skip a leap, each splash a cheer, A small act of courage, defeating fear.
Ripples spread wide, in circles they grow, Touching shores distant, in a soft, gentle flow. A single pebble’s journey, though modest and small, Shows how even the tiniest actions can change it all.
People often ponder, what can they do? In a vast, complex world, what difference comes through? Yet, like the pebble, their efforts extend, Creating ripples, that never truly end.
Think not you’re too small, too weak, or too few, For the world needs your ripples, and all that you do. Every smile, every word, every deed you’ve begun, Joins the ripples of many, making waves, as one.
From pebbles in history, great changes arose, Movements for justice, and battles fought close. Each started with someone, who dared just to try, To cast forth their pebble, to reach for the sky.
So never give up, and never resign, For each ripple you start, is a beautiful sign. Of hope, and of change, and a world that can bend, To the will of the many, when small acts transcend.
Remember the pebble, its path on the lake, And the ripples it made, for our future’s sake. Together we alter the course of the stream, Creating a world far better than dreamed.©