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Reflections of a Lifetime: A Poignant Poem on the Changing World and Legacy

Girl on handrail looking over a dark world
A World Lost To Greed and Corruption

As I grow older, the world unfolds, A tapestry of stories, both new and old. I’ve watched as leaders turned astray, Greed and corruption leading the way.

The country I once held in pride, Now struggles, its virtues cast aside. A place renowned, now lost its fame, As selfish hearts ignite the flame.

People’s hearts, once open and wide, Now shelter selfishness inside. I fear for my children, their future dim, A world transformed, hopes growing slim.

They’ll face a path I cannot see, Challenges unknown, far from me. My time on earth, I know, is brief, As I reflect, my heart finds grief.

I’ve given much, perhaps too much, A fair heart, a gentle touch. But in this world where greed is king, I fear the sorrow it might bring.

My children, dear, may bear the cost, Of virtues kept, not selfish lost. The price they pay for kindness shown, In a world where greed has grown.

Yet, I’d rather sleep with peace at night, Knowing I upheld what’s right. For in my core, I cannot change, A heart that’s fair, though it seems strange.

I’m sorry, children, for the pain, In a world where selfishness reigns. But know my love was always true, In every choice, I thought of you.

As I age, wisdom takes its place, Knowing what’s of true embrace. The world may shift, yet here I stand, With a loving heart, a guiding hand.

Poem Written By Scott R. Gerber ©All Rights Reserved

Scott Randy Gerber

Whispers Of The Soul Blog

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