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Nothing But An Actor

Nothing but a fake cheap Actor

In awe of your charm, a spell you did cast,

Well spoken, kind, politeness vast.

Compliments flowed, a charm so eloquent,

Yet differences arose, a demeanor somewhat hesitant.

Quiet and shy, in odd clothes so strange and unique,

Mysteries wrapped in answers you’d seek.

But shadows unveiled, concerns took their place,

Defensive walls rose, a defensive embrace.

Caught in deception, lies without truth,

Promises shattered, innocence uncouth.

Blame shifted swiftly, a battle within,

Scratching and struggling, the fight to begin.

You vowed to carry the unspoken truth,

Deny till the end, a pledge without ruth.

Investigations claimed, a web tightly spun,

A match declared, a battle to be won.

Yet, a surprise unfolded on this fateful day,

Close to a match, but I walked away.

Strength and will, my armor and shield,

Love rescued, the lies revealed.

A puppet master in a lifeless shell,

My departure tolled, a victorious farewell.

No tears, parades, or honors for you,

A soulless actor, all that they knew.

Destruction your path, with no remorse,

Paying the piper, a cosmic force.

Eternity awaits, a debt to be paid,

A soulless actor in the masquerade.

No pity from me for your hollow soul,

No heart, no care, a heartless stroll.

You thought you matched me, a jest in the wind,

Caught too soon, your lies chagrinned.

Patience is mine, awaiting the day,

When the actor’s mask crumbles away.

I stand victorious, you in the dust,

A tale of deception, lies, and mistrust.

Wounds to be licked, as the credits roll,

A waste of time, space, and matter untold.

I emerge unscathed, for truth I defend,

In the end, I win, and you, a mere pretend.

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