In a world where honesty should prevail,
I sought the truth, but it was to no avail.
Your story unfolded with twists and turns,
Leaving me with unanswered questions that churn.
Respect was what I asked for, nothing more,
But the truth you chose to ignore.
Loyal to a fault, I remained steadfast,
Wishing to rebuild the trust that once was vast.
Yet you kept moving forward, hiding your deeds,
Leaving destruction in your path like scattered seeds.
No clear path or reason could I discern,
As my mind struggled to make sense and learn.
My questions went unanswered, met with silence,
Leaving me in hurt and discomfort, no solace.
You shattered the trust we had, concealed it away,
For reasons unknown, you chose to betray.
I cannot fathom the choices you made,
But I know you broke a heart that faithfully stayed.
Love and belief in you, until the pain couldn’t hide,
Forced me to leave, my self-worth to abide.
Your brilliance and intelligence I acknowledge,
But the rhyme or reason behind your actions, a knowledge,
That only you possess, a truth to be found,
As I’m left with questions, my heart on the ground.
It took strength to make a decision so tough,
To save myself from the damage, enough was enough.
Once again, a lesson learned not to trust,
Leaving me with unanswered questions, a must.
I never sought to point fingers or blame,
Just understanding and clarity, a simple aim.
Yet you chose to mislead, keep secrets locked away,
Living a deceitful life, day after day.
I asked you to see from my perspective, my plea,
But you refused, continuing your destructive spree.
So I had no choice but to walk away,
To salvage what little remained, come what may.
No rhyme or reason can justify your pursuit,
Or explain the reasons you chose to pollute.
Only you can answer the questions that haunt,
But you prefer darkness, leaving me to taunt.
Still, I don’t know the reason behind your deceit,
As you deny me the decency, my heart’s defeat.
Leaving me with shattered pieces on the floor,
With unanswered questions, I can’t ignore.
You’ve shown me lessons I’ve already learned,
All I wanted was honesty, for trust to be earned.
But instead, I received more lies and deception,
Leaving me with a heartache, a painful inception.
So I’ll move forward, seeking healing and peace,
Leaving behind the pain, hoping for release.
And though the answers may never be known,
I’ll find solace in the strength that I’ve shown.
I wish you well and hope you find what your looking for and the peace your searching for as I will always feel you throw away a gift rarely given with no rhyme or reason.