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Life’s Cycle That Never Ends. A Poem About Our Lives.

People rushing around on a busy street.

In childhood’s dawn, with dreams so bright, We learn to say “please” and “thank you” right, To be polite, to mind our way, And listen to what elders say.

We dream of growing up so fast, To leave behind the rules at last, To do whatever we desire, No more requests, no more “not right now.”

But then we grow and soon we see, Life isn’t quite as wild and free, Responsibilities appear, With every year, they grow more near.

We go to work, we earn our pay, We juggle tasks both night and day, We answer to a boss’s call, And at home, chores never fall.

We marry, raise our kids with care, Teach them what’s right, make them aware, To be polite, to live with grace, To cherish every fleeting space.

Yet soon we long for days of rest, Retirement dreams become our quest, To slow things down, to take it slow, But even then, the tasks still grow.

Bills to pay and food to buy, Responsibilities don’t say goodbye, On tighter budgets, now we live, Still giving all we have to give.

And one day, looking back, we find, Life’s hurried pace, a state of mind, From stage to stage, the cycle runs, From dawn to dusk, under the sun.

We rushed through life to find the truth, That each phase brings its weight of proof, Life keeps moving, doesn’t stall, In every stage, we give our all.

So heed this tale, both young and old, Life’s rhythm beats, so true and bold, In every stage, find joy and strive, Embrace the endless cycle of life.

Writing By Scott Randy Gerber Whispers Of The Soul Blog ©2024 All Rights Reserved

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