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In The Darkness

In the shadows of doubt, I wandered astray,
Making choices that led me further away,
Believing in others, trusting their word,
Only to find my vision blurred.

A lifetime of errors, mistakes so grand,
Leaving me stranded on shifting sand,
Looking back now, I see with regret,
A wasted existence, a lifetime in debt.

No treasures to hold, no legacy left,
Just empty promises, of which I'm bereft,
Alone in this world, as I came to be,
No one to share this burden with me.

The weight of my failures, a heavy load,
Leaving my children on a lonely road,
A waste of time, a waste of space,
Leaving behind a hollow trace.

But in this darkness, a glimmer I see,
A chance for redemption, a way to be free,
To learn from my past, to make amends,
And find a new path before the story ends.

So I'll rise from the ashes, with hope in my heart,
To make a fresh start, to make a new start,
To leave behind the shadows of waste,
And find a way to live with grace.

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