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I Lost My Mind

In the realm of shadows, where memories fade, A poignant journey, in dementia’s cascade. Each day a challenge, a sorrowful song, A fulltime task, where forgetfulness throngs.

“Where is this, and where is that?” they inquire, Lost in a maze of thoughts, like drifting fire. “How do I do this, and how do I do that?” A constant refrain, a bewildered chat.

A dance with confusion, a waltz with despair, Talking to phantoms that linger in the air. Frustration brews, like a stormy sea, Yet, patience blooms, a resilient tree.

“Can you help me with this, can you help me with that?” A plea for guidance, through a mental combat. Remote in the fridge, a sandwich in a drawer, In misplaced moments, lost even more.

Keys and phones, a daily ballet, A choreography of searching, in a mind’s disarray. Breathing deeply, holding back the tears, For they are adrift, confronting their fears.

Good days and bad, a rollercoaster ride, In the ebb and flow, emotions collide. Apologies flow like a gentle stream, For repetitive questions, like a recurring dream.

Lost, yet aware, they seek your embrace, Aching to remember, to find their place. In the struggle to spell a name so dear, A gradual erasure, whispers of fear.

A disease unkind, stealing thoughts like a thief, In silent battles, they wrestle with belief. No physical scars, yet a loss profound, In the labyrinth of the mind, echoes resound.

One day, the recognition may slip away, Leaving you a stranger, in the shadows they sway. Patience, a beacon in the darkness they brave, For love endures, in the face of dementia’s wave.

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