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Gazing into the abyss

Girl on handrail looking over a dark world

There comes a point in life where defeat becomes inevitable, and tonight, I feel that moment has arrived. I’ve fought hard, made my choices, and given everything I had to offer, but the weight of it all has finally caught up with me. The truth is, there’s no one else to blame but myself. I’ve made decisions, sometimes out of reasons that most wouldn’t even begin to comprehend. I’ve given when I should have held back, helped when I should have walked away, and in the end, I’ve given far more than I’ve ever received in return.

Now, I’m just too old, too tired, and perhaps, too cynical to continue. I’ve watched this world morph into something disturbingly self-serving, where greed and self-interest reign supreme. The path we’re on was always the path we were meant to follow, but I had hoped to see something different in my lifetime—a spark of hope, a shift toward something better. But now, I’m not so sure. It’s heartbreaking to witness what’s coming, knowing the inevitability of the end, driven by the insatiable hunger for power and wealth.

The sad reality is that we, the average people, lost control long ago, and we didn’t even see it happening. The media, once a beacon of truth, now serves as a tool of manipulation, indistinguishable from the propaganda machines of tyrannies past. The powers behind the scenes—those who pull the strings—have been executing their plan with masterful patience and precision. We are mere spectators to our own demise, powerless to stop it, for the path we’re on has no return. The changes have come slowly, deliberately, and right under our noses, and now, here we are—at the point of no return.

What lies ahead will be destruction on a scale we can scarcely imagine. And for those who survive it, they’ll bear witness to the true nature of hell. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Yet, I can’t help but marvel at the brilliance of it all—the patience, the creativity, the audacity to dismantle everything while we watched in complacency. They did it so subtly, so cleverly, that we never even noticed until it was too late.

And now, there’s nothing left to do but accept the inevitable. We are standing on the precipice, gazing into the abyss, and soon, the fall will come.

Written by Scott Randy Gerber for Whispers of the Soul © 2024 All Rights Reserved

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