Stephanie, embedded in our genes, the spirit of fighters,
We prevail only if we rise, ready for the next strife’s fires.
Believe me, I’ve witnessed souls, dark and cold,
No remorse for their actions, their tales unfold.
Rejoicing in destruction, leaving chaos in their wake,
Mistruths woven, hoping we’d be an easy prey to take.
But watch closely, not just trusting the spoken,
See past the veil, their true self to be broken.
Their acting skills, a poorly crafted guise,
Their sad game played, winning some rounds, a guise.
Stay alert, check actions, don’t be swayed,
In the end, their deception laid bare, displayed.
Stand up, dust off their lies, deceit’s residue,
Collect your winnings, walk away, and pursue.
They win if you give in or believe their deceit,
For some reason, Mom couldn’t repeat.
A gene missed, unable to rise and fight,
Perhaps fatigue or a weary plight.
The reason unknown, lost in the fray,
A gene I lack, forging my own way.
Despite battles, I rise, dust off, and move on,
Lessons learned, in each defeat, a new dawn.
Smile in knowing, lost a few battles, it’s true,
But the war is mine to win, and I’ll see it through.
Evil may outsmart if allowed to deceive,
I play a card ahead, their tricks to perceive.
When tired, take a break, but the gift inside,
The key to success, in your heart, resides.
Get back up, when ready, continue the quest,
For we were born to win, not born to rest.
No quitter’s gene within our core,
Let’s make her proud, stand firm, and explore.