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Becoming A True Floridian

Becoming Floridian

To become a Floridian is not just to stay,
It’s more than a move, it’s more than a day.
It’s waking each morning to a sky kissed with gold,
Where the warmth in the air has a spirit so bold.

You first feel it softly, like the ocean’s slow tide,
As the salt and the breeze wrap your soul from inside.
You know that it’s coming, this change deep within,
When the rhythm of life lets the real you begin.

It’s the sun on your skin that no longer burns,
But feels like an old friend to whom you return.
You stop checking forecasts, the rain’s just a sigh,
A soft summer shower that sweeps through the sky.

You learn to be patient with nature’s wild show,
For hurricanes teach what Floridians know:
That storms, like in life, will come and will go,
But you weather them calmly, with peace in your soul.

The sea speaks to you in its shimmering hues,
A turquoise so vibrant, a blanket of blues.
You walk barefoot now on the white, sandy shores,
And the ocean’s song echoes in your core.

But it’s not just the beaches, the palm trees, or sun,
It’s the lazy lagoon where the manatees run.
The gators you spot by the roadside so still,
The feel of the bay when the evening is chill.

It’s when you stop rushing and learn to take pause,
When you chat with your neighbor just because.
When a sunset is more than the close of a day,
But a masterpiece painted in pink, gold, and gray.

You’ll know you’ve become part of this coastal land,
When a boat feels like home, and the beach feels like sand.
When you crave citrus sweet like a kiss on your tongue,
And the heat feels like love from the Earth’s beating drum.

It’s the call of the herons, the flight of the cranes,
The lazy canals and the warm summer rains.
The buzz of the festivals, the burst of parades,
And the nights where the starlight will never quite fade.

It’s eating fresh grouper, and Key lime for pie,
Learning to slow down, letting life pass you by.
When flip-flops become your everyday wear,
And you start feeling salt in the soft evening air.

When you dance in the rain, let your worries be free,
And sip sweet mojitos by the edge of the sea.
When you laugh with the locals, and call them your own,
You’ll know in your heart that Florida’s home.

So becoming a Floridian isn’t one single thing,
It’s the way that the sunshine can make your heart sing.
It’s a life of sweet freedom, where your spirit can roam,
And you know in your bones you’ve found your true home.

Written By Scott Randy Gerber For Whispers Of The Soul © All Rights Reserved 2024

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