In the quiet dawn, where shadows fade,
Understanding blooms in the softest shade.
Through life’s tempest, wild and fierce,
Patience whispers, offering a gentle pierce.
Storms may rage and rivers bend,
Yet peace resides where we intend.
With every trial and twist of fate,
Comes a chance to patiently await.
In the heart’s deep chambers, wisdom lies,
Beneath the noise, beyond the cries.
Understanding, like a tender leaf,
Grows in moments of belief.
Patience, a river, calm and wide,
Carries us through the changing tide.
Peace, a beacon, steady and bright,
Guides us through the darkest night.
In every challenge, a seed is sown,
From understanding, we have grown.
With patience as our steadfast guide,
In peace, our hearts forever reside.
Written By Scott Randy Gerber Creator of Whispers Of The Soul © All Rights Reserved 2024